Saturday, January 29, 2011
I'm madly in LOVE...
I chose my first three strollers (all single strollers) pretty haphazardly and based loosely on what I'd "heard" was a good brand. And they worked just fine, but never impressed me. Now that I have my "golden child", my extensively researched and carefully chosen double stroller, I look at the other three with disdain... they are like my ratty neglected stepchildren.
I look at my double stroller the way I look at my own children. It makes my heart melt. I think it's soooo pretty! And I feel like hot stuff pushing it around because I know it gives other moms stroller envy. (Definition: Stroller envy = Coveting thy neighbors stroller.)
My double stroller gave me confidence that I could and should get out of the house with my two children, even early on when kid #2 was a newborn. (Now that I think about it, maybe I was just going out to show off my stroller???). I have taken many an excursion over the past 8 months from the grocery store to the library to the mall to the playground. And boy, this thing drives like a dream (I can steer it one-handed!), no matter the terrain.
The key to my happiness (and yours someday too maybe???) is this: I took a lonnnnnng time figuring out exactly what attributes I wanted /needed in a stroller and what I would use it for. No one ever told me to do that when I was registering for my single strollers. This time, I knew I wanted a side by side that could accommodate an infant carseat but without a very bulky adapter. I wanted rubber wheels, not plastic (y'know, for off-roading at the park) and a big accessible storage basket (ya need room for lots of shopping bags at the mall!). I found the Bumbleride Indie Twin ( and it was love at first sight. Yes, it cost a pretty penny, but I sure got my money's worth.
So go moms... Go out in search of the stroller that will be the love of your life!
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Thursday, January 27, 2011
When life gives your baby apples...
We are loving the Baby Safe Feeder ( these days. Kid #2 is teething, so it's great to soothe her sore gums. At the same time we can give her "real people food" without worrying about her choking on it. I especially love that it keeps her busy long enough for me to choke down my dinner.
I pretty much think you can put anything in the mesh feeder: ice cubes, apples, bananas, frozen grapes... Cheerios... Maybe meatballs (haha!). Whatever makes baby happy!
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Wednesday, January 26, 2011
The Baby Crack Machine

I didn't give it that name, by the way. But if you google it, you will see that the Homedics Soundspa Lullaby is lovingly referred to as the "Baby Crack Machine" on many a momma message board.
These are awesome. If you are looking for a white noise machine, this is the one you want. We have two of them. Hubby and I go to sleep with the soothing sounds of "rain" coming out of one baby monitor and "the ocean" coming out of the other.
Kid #1 has used her Crack Machine ever since she was a baby. She is like Pavlov's dogs with this thing. In fact, when I want her to wake up from a nap (can't have her taking 3-hour naps too late in the afternoon or she'll never go to sleep at night), I go in her room and shut off the rain noise. Like clockwork, she wakes up happy as can be shortly thereafter.
Homedics SoundSpa Lullaby I got mine at Bed Bath & Beyond. Don't forget your 20% off coupon!
One more reason to love the UPS man!
Times have changed. My diaper buying experience is much more enjoyable now. Thanks to a few well-placed advertisements and a recommendation from my friend Katie B, I now have diapers and wipes shipped to me automatically from through Amazon Mom "Subscribe and Save". If you haven't checked it out, it's worth a peek. For best savings (30% off!) you set up a"Subscribe and Save" subscription for each item you need. Tell them how often you think you need it and they ship it automatically. I get my diapers in 2-days!! With Free shipping!! You get reminder emails when you have a shipment coming up and it's extremely easy to adjust the ship date if you need the item sooner or later. And if your kid goes up a diaper size, you just cancel the subscription for the old size and make a new subscription for the new size.
I know I'm sounding like an advertisement, but you can't beat the savings. And with free shipping, why should I lug the kids out for diapers anymore? Don't worry, we still go out for our daily outing. But now we have more time for fun stuff... like the animal farm, the playground... Or even better... shoe shopping!
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Me vs. The Sock Houdini
My solution is the soft-soled baby shoe or "crib shoe" which I assumed every mom already knew about, but was surprised to hear otherwise when I gave them as a gift at a baby shower. These are the cutest little baby shoes, available in tons of different designs for both boys and girls, and more importantly, the elastic openings keep tiny little baby socks on tiny little baby feet! And The Sock Houdini can't get these shoes off! (well, usually)
One well-known brand name is Robeez ( A tad pricey for this bargain hunter momma, though Striderite outlets carry them at discounted prices, so try there. I also like the Mini-star brand knock-offs at Target and the Koala Baby knock-offs at Babies R Us (under $15 per pair).
So if you have a Sock Houdini too, try 'em!! Bet you'll like them!
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Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Picky Stickies: Why didn't I think of these?

It's a sticker that you can put on your baby's onesie for a "monthly photo" each month during their first year. INGENIOUS!! My favorite mommy bargains website featured this product not long ago and I just love it. But I'm so bummed that I missed out on the opportunity to try them... Kid #2 was already half way through her first year by the time I heard about them. (I just might have to have a third kid just so I can try these out.)
Good baby shower gift idea!! Oh, and you graphics design gurus could probably make these yourself!!
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Monday, January 24, 2011
Get your monkey on your back!
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