When Kid #1 was about Kid #2's age (around age 1) I went into her room after she was obviously NOT taking a nap to find that she had chewed on her crib rail. Her crib is a dark brown "espresso" color and she had espresso colored bits all around her mouth and cheeks. It was terrifying! She looked like some sort of demon baby.
(Wouldn't you know that I recently also found Kid #2 in a similar state, but slightly less scary since her crib is white. We had to remove Kid #1's crib rail cover to use in Kid #2's room. So just today I got a good look at those newly uncovered, very obvious against the dark colored wood, two year old, cute little teethmarks on Kid #1's crib and it gave me a major flashback to the day she made them. Aw. I'm a little nostalgic actually.)
Back to my story...
After cleaning Kid #1 up, I immediately jumped online to check out the crib rail covers on the BabiesRUs website. Of course, nothing they sold was going to work for me because my genius daughter was not chewing on the front crib rail... She was chewing on the curved decorative side rail!
In my travels of various baby message boards and mommy blogs, I remembered reading about a DIY no-sew crib rail, so off I went to the fabric store to get some fleece fabric. Armed only with a couple rulers and a scissor, I managed to fashion a pretty decent crib rail cover for all four sides of the crib.
I don't really have directions for you to follow. If you look at the picture above that I stole from someone's "tutorial," I'm sure you can figure it out. You basically just cut strips and tie them between the crib slats. Have faith. If I can do it, you can too.