Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Hi, I'm a Momparazzi

Can I assume that all moms are photo-happy like I am? I've taken thousands of pictures of my children already and Kid #1 has not even yet reached the age of 3. I'm like the paparazzi of moms. I'm a Momparazzi!

The next question, then, is what do you do with all those photos? And is anyone else but you going to get to look at them? I would go broke if I tried to print them all out. And I wouldn't even want to print them out because I have no time to compile photo albums anymore and no place to store big bulky photo albums anyway.

But I do like to have some photos printed in a non-digital/non-computer format and I do like to be able to share photos with family, so I have found a friend in Shutterfly.

One of my solutions to my photo mania has been to create a photo sharing site on shutterfly. There, I upload the best of my pictures every month or so. I also add journal entries from time to time to keep track of how the kids are growing and share some of the milestones they reach. The people who benefit most from this are my siblings, parents, and in-laws because they are the ones who actually do want to see all the thousands of my pictures. I've added friends and other relatives as members of my share site as well, but I can set it so they receive site updates much less frequently than the immediate family. I don't want anyone to feel that I'm spamming them with my photos!

It must be a trendsetting idea because after I set up my first share site when Kid #1 was born at least 7 or 8 friends set up their own share sites and sent me a link to view their photos. I love it because it enables me to see pictures of my friends kids growing up too!

I also like that I have a majority of my best pictures saved on the Shutterfly website. In the unfortunate event that something happened to my computer and my backup hard drive at least I'd still have my memories somewhere!

I admit that it does take time to maintain the share site, but I'm pretty obsessive-compulsive about my pictures and Shutterfly makes it as easy as possible to do.

Since all my favorite pictures are already uploaded on Shutterfly, I use the Shutterfly photo books for my family photo albums. They are much less bulky and can hold many more pictures than a traditional album. I've been making one photo book per year and think they are great memories to have!
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Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Baby wearers...

Do you know that baby wearing in the "facing-out" position may not be healthy for your child's development? I didn't! When Kid #1 was born I had no idea! I carried her in a "crotch- dangler" carrier - how awful! Good thing she was a chubby kid because she was so heavy I couldn't carry her like that for long... Don't think I did permanent damage. ;-)

I feel like I should help spread the word...
See these links for more information:

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Thursday, May 5, 2011

A deal on a 1st birthday gift

Kid #2 is going to be a year old in about 2 weeks. (OMG! That went too fast!)

For her birthday, I wanted to get her a personalized beanbag chair from Pottery Barn Kids for her bedroom. They are a tad on the expensive side, but oh so cute, so I was planning to go ahead with it anyway.

I read a few reviews on the PBK website and I came across one review that had a brilliant money-saving idea... So brilliant, in fact, that I felt the need to share: Buy just the outer beanbag cover from PBK and fill it with bean bag fill yourself. You can save a lot on shipping and eliminate the extra delivery surcharge from PBK. I was able to find a great deal on bean bag fill at (I purchased 8 cubic feet of bean bag fill total, shipped "ship to store" to get free shipping - it filled the PBK bean bag perfectly) Coupled with a 10% off discount code at PBK, I wound up saving about $50-$60!

As you can tell in the photo, Kid #2 loves it. And she is also too tall for her pants.
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