Thursday, May 5, 2011

A deal on a 1st birthday gift

Kid #2 is going to be a year old in about 2 weeks. (OMG! That went too fast!)

For her birthday, I wanted to get her a personalized beanbag chair from Pottery Barn Kids for her bedroom. They are a tad on the expensive side, but oh so cute, so I was planning to go ahead with it anyway.

I read a few reviews on the PBK website and I came across one review that had a brilliant money-saving idea... So brilliant, in fact, that I felt the need to share: Buy just the outer beanbag cover from PBK and fill it with bean bag fill yourself. You can save a lot on shipping and eliminate the extra delivery surcharge from PBK. I was able to find a great deal on bean bag fill at (I purchased 8 cubic feet of bean bag fill total, shipped "ship to store" to get free shipping - it filled the PBK bean bag perfectly) Coupled with a 10% off discount code at PBK, I wound up saving about $50-$60!

As you can tell in the photo, Kid #2 loves it. And she is also too tall for her pants.
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