Thursday, July 7, 2011

Favorite outdoor toy for summer

I'm home for the summer with my 3-year old and 1-year old. The three of us are loving our time together and enjoying the warm (ok, sometimes HOT) weather outdoors. Perhaps lucky for me, my 3-year old is as cautious as her mom used to be and is a little scared of our backyard pool so we haven't spent much time in there. It's no fun for me anyway with two kids clinging to me for dear life.

We do have a small kiddie pool, which the 3-year old enjoys. The 1-year is not quite walking and doesn't really want to sit in the kiddie pool without me. It was quite a sight to see all three of us "swimming" in the kiddie pool last week.
For keeping cool and entertained this summer, my favorite outdoor toy is the water table. Both my girls absolutely love it. It's the perfect height that the 1-year old can stand, play, and have something to hold onto and I don't have to be right there behind her every second. The 3-year old has a ton of fun with her watering can and buckets. I love that they can play together and I don't have to chase them in opposite directions around the backyard.

Once the weather gets cool again we always put sand in our water table for even more hours of enjoyment.
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