"The Double Meltdown" - When both infant and toddler have full-blown screaming fits simultaneously. The first time it happens, a new mom of two might enter a state of pure panic. Usually results in desire to pull own hair out. Makes you realize exactly why they make you watch that "don't shake the baby" video in the hospital after birth. A sense of humor is essential for dealing with the madness. And perhaps a strong drink.
"Hurricane Toddler" - Toddler who until recently was a carefully-watched-every-moment only child and is now unleashed to inflict destruction throughout the house. Mom observes the chaos as it unfolds. She is usually sitting nearby stuck in a chair feeding or rocking a newborn, helpless to stop the destruction.
Matching outfits - Much more fun than you think. And a little addicting. I say go ahead and try it out with some matching PJ's. Make sure you take a ridiculous amount of pictures. And make sure you post them on facebook.
Moms of girls, you might enter a "Tutu Phase". This condition is worsened if you have two girls. The thought of dressing two girls in tutus is so sweet it gives me a toothache. You might buy some cheap tutus out of the dollar bin at Target. You might buy a few tutu dresses and/ or tutu leggings from the Gap and some tutu pajamas from Carters. You might look up on the internet how to make a "no-sew tutu" out of tulle and a piece of elastic (very easy, by the way... google it, or check out this link). You might even lose your mind and purchase one of these gorgeous pettiskirts from Katelyn & Co. And if you find them on babysteals.com for half off, then naturally you'd buy TWO of them.
"Ponytail Mom" - A mom who has no time to be worried about her own appearance. Usually happens by default. She considers the fact that she is actually showered to be a major accomplishment. She finds comfort in knowing that though she may leave the house looking like a mess, at least her kids look good.
oh, and one more thing... you might be Supermom and remember everything for the kids for a daily outing, but you'll probably forget to pee before you leave the house.
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