By chance, Hubby, Kid #1, and I happened to be in Home Depot on the first Saturday of the month between 9am and 12 noon last Spring. Kid #1 (or just "the Kid" as she was known back then considering that she was not yet a big sister) was running around and trying to climb those Home Depot "stairs" that the employees use to get stuff down from the top storage racks. Upon seeing this, a nice employee told us that there was a Kids Workshop happening at that very moment and that our Kid might enjoy it if we brought her over there. So we went to check it out... And found out it is awesome!
Home Depot Kids Workshops
Each kid gets a project kit (new project each month) and an adorable child-size Home Depot apron. Though the projects are designed for kids ages 5-12, we saw plenty of younger kids there too (they just need help from mom or dad!). Kid #1 loves banging the hammers and Hubby enjoys some good daddy-daughter time working on the projects together. After your project is completed you get a pin to put on your apron. Kid #1 has started a pin collection already - so far we've made a rain gauge, a spice rack, a battery organizer, and today's project was a heart shaped wall shelf.
We had double the fun with today's heart shelf project because Kid #1 and I painted and decorated it when we got home. What a perfectly entertaining activity for a toddler (or an older child!) on a cold, cooped-up winter Saturday. And did I mention it's FREE???!!!
And here's another idea for ya... It's a great place to meet up with friends. Last month we had a play date at the Kids Workshop!
Next month: Home Depot Race Cars!! Vroom vroom.
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