Tuesday, March 8, 2011

A shower "system"

I know I'm not the only idiot who's bad case of Mommy Brain causes her to be unable to remember whether she has already shampooed her hair in the shower. Talk about short-term memory loss, right? You can't get more "short-term" than this... You either washed your hair two minutes ago or you didn't!!

When I'm outside the shower, I have my trusty blackberry. I use the calendar to keep track of appointments and I'm constantly setting it to remind me of all sorts of trivial things: which kid gets a bath that night, don't forget to switch the laundry, pick up milk on the way home. My blackberry has replaced some of the part of my brain that went missing in pregnancy/childbirth.

A few months ago, I posted about my shower-related idiocy on facebook and was comforted to know that I was not the only one having this problem. One friend suggested that i come up with some sort of "system". So I did just that. And I feel like a genius because it works perfectly. I feel like a real human with a whole brain again when I'm in the shower.

You have this problem too? You need a "system" too? Have no fear. I will share.

See the picture? That's my system. The pink cap sits on top of my shampoo. When I remove it to wash my hair I put it on top of the conditioner. So now I can tell if I already used the shampoo because the pink cap has been moved. Then it goes back on top of the shampoo when I use the conditioner so it is ready for next time. So stupid yet so smart!

Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

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